Restoring Communities, Healing Harms.

What is the West Virginia Restorative Justice Project?

We are a diverse and energetic group dedicated to providing West Virginians with Restorative Justice resources. Through networking, multi-level trainings, and one-on-one support, we help people across the Mountain State use Restorative Justice principles and practices to strengthen their justice systems, schools, and communities.

Our Vision

West Virginia has the potential to be a national leader in Restorative Justice practices. Our goal is to support the seeds of Restorative Justice that have already been planted across our wild and wonderful state, and to help implement new projects, programs, and practitioners in our communities.

“Crime is a violation of people and relationships. It creates obligations to make things right. Justice involves the victim, the offender, and the community in search for solutions which promote repair, reconciliation, and reassurance.”

–Howard Zehr